
顺利完成本课程, 您将需要一台正确配置的计算机,并配备所需的组件.

The minimum technical requirements to access and participate in online courses include: A computer with a reliable internet connection including high-speed internet such as DSL or cable; at least one compatible internet browser with updated plug-ins detailed on the Canvas的浏览器和计算机要求 page; adobeacrobatreader to ensure you can access all PDF files; and Microsoft Office Suite, 免费提供给学生.

Canvas Help
单击左侧全局导航菜单上的“帮助”. 你可以在这里找到更详细的说明和支持资源: Canvas对学生的支持.

通过移动网络浏览器或下载Canvas学生应用程序在您的移动设备上访问Canvas Android devices or Apple/iOS devices.

IT Help Desk
对于其他日常生活, 非canvas相关技术需求或问题请联系服务台303-352-7548, submit a service ticket, or review the Knowledge Base.