如果密歇根州立大学丹佛分校在其学位课程中提供的教育符合您当前所在州的执照教育要求,则需要通知参加执照课程的学生. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is also required to provide to students where they can get more information as needed.

密歇根州立大学丹佛 offers several programs leading to 专业的许可 within the State of Colorado. States other than Colorado vary in what professions they require to be licensed and how licensure functions. Some states require an individual to graduate from an approved program. Others require an individual to meet the certification requirements of a national organization. 也可能需要特定数量的培训,以及根据州要求的考试分数通过考试. 经常, 持有执照的专业人员必须每年完成继续教育(国家补充和综合健康中心), 2018).

许可证要求因州/地区而异,搬迁可能会影响您是否符合许可证的资格要求. For any questions about relocation eligibility, 在搬迁之前,请与您希望获得许可证的机构联系,以确保您有资格获得许可证或互惠.

仔细审查您想要获得执照的州/地区的教育先决条件,以及皇冠官网网站的课程是否符合这些执照要求. Use the agency contact information provided below to clarify or confirm any requirements.

If questions remain after reviewing the information provided by the respective state licensing agency, contact your advisor or the program or department representative, and our faculty and staff will do their best to connect you with the information you need.

For a list of our academic programs traditionally leading to licensure, the contact information for state licensing boards, 以及密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的课程是否符合或不符合许可要求的决定, please view our detailed disclosure document here:

Professional Licensure Disclosures by Program and State

Professional Licensure Disclosures by College and School


密歇根州立大学丹佛 regularly reviews and updates this information. The date of last review is indicated at the bottom of this webpage.

如果确定当前和未来的学生参加了不符合许可教育要求的学术课程,将直接通过电子邮件通知他们 in the state in which they are located at the time they receive their education. 出于这个原因, 如果密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生在完成学业时改变了他们的位置,那么更新他们的位置是很重要的. 学生可以使用学生中心的自助服务横幅通知大学位置的变化,并应定期检查其位置信息的准确性.

皇冠官网网站鼓励所有学生熟悉你打算在那里寻求执照和实践的州执照委员会,以确认任何要求,并确保你在参加一个旨在导致专业执照的项目之前理解和考虑额外要求的影响. If questions remain after reviewing the information provided below, contact your program advisor. While the University can provide initial guidance, 您应该不断与您打算申请执照的州/地区核实,以确认所有执照/认证要求.

丹佛州立大学是国家授权互惠协议(NC-SARA)国家委员会的成员,该协议允许皇冠官网网站为科罗拉多州以外的州的居民提供远程学习计划(在线和监督现场经验的形式)和课程.  NC-SARA会员, 然而, does not grant reciprocity or exempt us from state professional licensing requirements.  结果是, licensing requirements in Colorado may not be recognized as sufficient to obtain a license in any other state. The State of Colorado does not have reciprocity agreements for some professional licenses.

For example, 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Clinical Behavioral Health, M.S. 课程满足专业执照的教育要求,作为科罗拉多州的持牌成瘾顾问和持牌专业顾问, but due to a lack of reciprocity agreements across state lines, 如果你搬到科罗拉多州以外的地方,你需要额外的步骤来获得同等的证书和执业权限.

Students planning to pursue licensure within the United States and/or its territories, but outside the State of Colorado, 是否应该确定他们所在州目前的考试和执照,以及他们可能需要满足的任何额外要求. 在美国以外生活和/或工作的学生应向适当的认证机构确认,在丹佛州立大学成功完成的任何学位课程是否符合他们打算寻求就业的国家的资格要求. 在课程期间搬迁到另一个州可能会影响学生是否可以留在课程中, meet the state licensure requirements and/or continue to receive financial aid funding. 在考虑搬迁之前, please contact your program to discuss authorization and licensure eligibility requirements.

Students should review the specific academic requirements for the program in which they are enrolling, 包括与实习有关的内容,以及对执照的资格预审,如犯罪背景调查的需要. 皇冠官网网站强烈建议学生在开始获得执照的学术课程之前,在开始任何实习/实习之前,联系他们居住州或他们打算获得执照的州的适用执照委员会. Many licensure boards require more than successful degree completion to obtain a license. Please be advised that state laws, regulations, and policies may change at any time. Changes in requirements can impact the program’s ability to meet educational requirements for licensure. 完成执照计划的学生有责任向其居住州或其打算获得执照的州的执照委员会查询最新信息和要求.

Note: For the purpose of disclosure requirements, a licensure program is defined as a program that is intended to lead to, or could be reasonably assumed to lead to, 专业的许可. 那些被授予国家执照的人通常被授予在指定的实践范围内从事职业的法律权力.

The successful completion of a program at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 does not 保证 licensure, certification, or employment in an occupation. 如果学生无法在任何司法管辖区获得执照或认证或无法获得实习/实习地点,密歇根州立大学丹佛分校将不承担责任. As licensing requirements are often evolving, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校不保证也不确认任何满足科罗拉多州执照要求的课程将满足其他州或地区的专业执照委员会标准/要求. 如果你是一名申请或被录取的学生,该课程将导致专业执照,并打算在科罗拉多州以外的地方执业, 在开始学习课程之前,请联系您居住州的相应许可机构.

The information of this page was last updated on: July 28th, 2021