
皇冠官网网站 is comprised of an array of departments, programs and services that help students be their best selves and succeed in school, 职业生涯, 和生活. We believe that wellness is more than just earning good grades or having a good job; it also means taking care of our minds, 肉体和灵魂. We recognize that life can be challenging at times, so our team of professionals is here to offer resources and support. 也, college is the perfect time to try something new, make new friends and explore new activities and interests, and we have a wide variety of programs to keep you engaged. 继续阅读,了解更多关于所有提供给密歇根州立大学丹佛分校学生的项目和服务!


访问中心 认识到残疾是多样性的一个组成部分,并致力于为残疾学生创造包容和公平的教育环境.  皇冠官网网站的办公室有意通过合作提供公平的学习体验, 服务和住宿.


校园娱乐 通过综合娱乐,提供高品质、创新的课外体验, fitness and leisure services that foster personal, 学术 and professional success for the students, 教师 and staff of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 and the Auraria community. 他们的目的是通过参与的力量促进个人和社区的福祉, 领导, 伙伴关系和娱乐. 他们设想一个社区,在那里健康的生活和终身学习交叉,以支持个人, professional and institutional success.


的 Center for Equity and Student Achievement’s (CESA’s) 使命是在整个密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的旅程中支持和教育学生,并倡导一个促进公平和包容的校园社区. 为了实现这一目标,该中心支持各种各样的支持服务和编程.


的 Center for Multicultural Excellence and 包含(CMEI) empowers students of color through mentorship, 学术支持 and programming to thrive at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. CMEI also houses many other programs and services, including:


 LGBTQ学生资源中心 is a tri-institutional office serving students, 教师, and staff of all genders and sexualities on the Auraria Campus. 的y are a resource for those experiencing issues with sexuality, 性别认同, 歧视或骚扰.


移民服务 is an 学术 and social support program that aims to increase enrollment, 保留, 毕业时没有证件, DACA, 移民, 难民学生. 通过学术咨询, 英语支持, 奖学金申请协助, and access to campus and community resources, 该计划的使命是解决教育中最常见的挑战和障碍, underrepresented student population faces. 也, the program aims to serve as a representative for these students on campus, helping staff and 教师 alike to support, 同情, and effectively serve these student populations.


三重奏学生支援服务 (TRIO SSS) 致力于创建一个校园社区,通过个性化支持和包容性文化的发展来培养学生的目标. Participants have access to services including 学术支持, 个别辅导, 同伴指导, 技巧的研讨会, 研究生院和职业准备, financial aid application assistance, 奖学金的机会, 电脑室, 事件, 以及领导力发展.


退伍军人和军校学生 服务 校园里是否有一站式的课程和支持服务. 退伍军人和军人是密歇根州立大学丹佛分校学习社区的重要组成部分,因为他们扩大了员工的多样性, 教师, 学生群体.


第一代计划 serves as a resource hub for current first-generation students as they navigate campus. 该项目鼓励并授权Roadrunner社区拥抱和庆祝第一代大学生群体所拥有的多重身份. 他们的使命是提高第一代学生的保留率和毕业率. 的y achieve this by building community, 作为倡导者, providing education on the first-generation experience, 影响大学的政策和实践,使其更加包容第一代的身份, 发展有意义的项目和大学倡议,支持第一代学生.


 大学援助移民计划 (CAMP) 是一个由美国教育部资助的奖学金项目,旨在支持符合条件的移民和季节性农场工人及其子女完成大学第一年的学业. 的 program provides comprehensive outreach and enrollment assistance, 学术支持, financial aid and social opportunities. 而该计划在大学第一年提供最密集的援助, the CAMP team is available to assists students throughout their college experience.


的 咨询中心 can help you balance the demands of college life, which are plentiful: in addition to 学术 requirements, 有财政压力, 关系问题, and job stressors that can leave you feeling beat up and worn out. 工作人员可以帮助你找到应对困难的方法,为你提供一个舒适的地方来审视你的生活,更多地了解你自己,这样你就可以实现你的潜力. 的 center provides mental health counseling, 危机干预援助, 性侵犯资源, 个别咨询, 治疗和支持小组, 工作坊(药物滥用), 学术, personal effectiveness and diversity), mind and body activities and self-help resources.


的 奥瑞瑞亚的健康中心 offers physical and mental health services, 并向所有AHEC开放, CCD, 丹佛州立大学和丹佛州立大学的学生, 教师 and staff regardless of their insurance plan. From primary and preventative care to treatment for illnesses and injuries, the 健康中心 at Auraria provides comprehensive health services. 他们致力于通过创新的保健服务提高皇冠体育官网,提供的服务旨在留住学生, 教师 and staff healthy so that they can thrive personally and professionally.


的 学生办公室主任 为学生提供支持,并致力于学生的安全和福祉,同时培养一个诚信和尊重的大学社区. 对于那些在个人事务或影响大学生活的困难情况下需要支持的学生来说,这是一个中心. 的 office provides referrals and resources for students in need, helps students navigate University processes, 解决学生的行为通过 学生行为准则, 协调援外援助小组等!


Student Conflict Resolution 服务 (SCRS)提供各种方案和服务,以支持学生在个人和团体环境中遇到冲突, and through skill-building and facilitation support. SCRS认识到,在处理冲突时,个体有不同的需求和利益. SCRS还承认,皇冠官网网站的个人经历和社会身份是皇冠官网网站如何看待冲突的基础, 因此皇冠官网网站不能忽视, 低估, or avoid talking about identity when we are in conflict. SCRS helps students navigate these situations in a way that works for them.


的 学生关怀中心 houses 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s case management services. 的 学生关怀中心 provides holistic, 为丹佛州立大学的学生提供非临床病例管理支持,这些学生面临着挑战性的生活环境,可能会阻碍他们追求自己的教育目标. Case managers do outreach out behalf of the CARE Team, while the Center also supports:

  • 粗暴的角落 为那些难以支付零食或食物准备费用的学生提供帮助, and also provides school supplies and community space for connection. Staff are also available to discuss and complete 提前 applications to get food assistance.
  • 单站, 它旨在将学生与当地社区和政府资源联系起来,他们可能有资格获得这些资源. 单站是一个在线筛选工具,可以在几分钟内估计出学生可能有资格获得哪些公共福利. 学生关怀中心 staff are available to assist students in discussing eligibility, applying and follow up on these benefits and resources.
  • 的 学生应急基金紧急津贴,用于处理意外和/或灾难性生活事件的学生.
  •  梦想家应急基金 an emergency stipend for 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students who have; undocumented, DACA or TPS status.


的 史诗学者计划 为有不同护理系统经验的学生提供学术和个人支持服务, (寄养, 亲属照顾, 法定监护, 青年服务科), and students who self-identify as unaccompanied youth, 解放未成年人, and independent students through the 金融援助 office.


Justice Impacted Student Initiative 正在建立一个顾问委员会,帮助密歇根州立大学丹佛分校受司法影响的学生建立支持. 受司法影响的学生是指受到青少年/刑事司法系统影响的个人——通过警察, 法院, 缓刑, 假释, 监禁, 以及其他惩教策略,或者是那些有亲人或家庭成员受到司法系统影响的人. 该委员会将确定并讨论如何解决受司法影响的学生在入学和完成学业时面临的一系列挑战.