成为 an advocate for the aging

This introductory course serves as starting point for those eager to pursue careers caregiving for – or working with — aging populations, whether you’re a healthcare professional, 家庭成员, or someone interested in working in the field. The course explores support systems, 服务, and policy considerations designed to meet the needs of older adults and includes topics such as the physical and mental changes associated with aging, common health issues affecting seniors and the older population, and effective communication strategies for senior engagement and inclusion.

This introductory online course serves as an ideal starting point for those eager to pursue careers caregiving for our aging population and can stack into a 密歇根州立大学丹佛 credential or degree.


Course can be completed in 4-8 weeks and is self-paced online.


Receive a personal advising session with an industry leader.


Gain a competitive edge.

职业生涯路径 in 老年服务

Approximate return on investment for each academic pathway

老年服务 ROI Graphic

路径1: Enter the workforce quickly. Complete the 老年服务 course and immediately enter the workforce.

  • 媒体n salary is $30,100 year.

途径二: Continue your academic journey and earn an 老年服务 Leadership Digital Badge.

  • 媒体n salary is $38,000 a year.

途径三: Continue your academic journey and earn an 老年服务 Leadership Certificate. Roles include being an assistant activity director or other positions in senior communities.

  • 媒体n salary is $42,000 a year.

途径四: Continue your academic journey and earn a degree in 老年服务 Leadership, which allows you to increase your earning potential. You can find a job as an Activity Director or other similar roles with seniors.

  • 媒体n salary is $55,000 a year.

途径五: Continue even further in your education with a Master’s in Health Administration and earn more money with a license from the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Board.

  • 媒体n salary is $110,000 a year.

关于 the 老年服务 course



电话: 303-615-1234

Jordan Student Success Building
3楼- 330号

Metropolitan State University of 丹佛
Innovative and Lifelong Learning
P.O. 173362箱
丹佛, CO 80217-3362