CE and DE allow high school students to take in-person or online college classes alongside traditional students. There is no tuition cost to students and their families as CE, 但他们可能要承担强制性费用, 教科书, 和/或供应. Students and their families incur tuition costs as DE in addition to mandatory fees, 教科书, 和/或供应.

利用这个程序, Colorado students will gain access to the University’s courses, jumpstart their college career while in high school, 省钱, and build confidence in their academic ability to do college coursework. Students will also have access to many campus resources when they enroll in the program and a dedicated 高中大学学分 (CCHS) advisor to help them navigate their college experience.

The program is open to any eligible student in a participating school district in Colorado.

Earned credits are transferrable to most other regionally accredited colleges and universities. The receiving institution will determine whether transfer credit is accepted.

How to earn College Credit for Concurrent Enrollment (CE) or Dual Enrollment (DE) 在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校

  1. 完成 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校本科入学申请 and be accepted for admissions (it is advised that you use your personal email address, 不是高中发给的电子邮件地址).
  2. Ensure that you have applied for and authorized the 大学机会基金津贴, which pays for a portion of in-state tuition on every course credit you take. 访问 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的网站 授权.
  3. 完成 Concurrent/Dual Enrollment College Agreement form. If your school pays your tuition (CE) and you or your school pays your mandatory fees, 请与学校辅导员一起填写此表格. If you are self-paying your tuition (DE) and mandatory fees, school signature is not required. 将填妥的表格交至 (电子邮件保护). You will not be able to register for classes before this form is completed.
  4. All CE or DE students attending on-campus or online should arrange a meeting with the 高中大学学分 (CCHS) Advisor to go over the specific tasks to complete. 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 申请预约. 在你的邮件里, 请附上你的全名, 2)你想参加的学期, 3)你的高中/学区, 4)你想修的丹佛州立大学课程, and 5) options for your availability to schedule your meeting with the CCHS Advisor.
    • Your CCHS Advisor may also connect you with your academic advisor to help you plan your courses for the major you intend to pursue after you graduate high school.
    • 密歇根州立大学丹佛 does not determine equivalent high school credits, students should notify and work with their school counselor to request high school credit for CE or DE courses taken 在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校.
    • 不需要学生迎新活动, but if you would like to attend orientation or a campus tour, 请让您的CCHS顾问知道.
  5. 遵循 我的首次登录说明 to access your 密歇根州立大学丹佛 email and student account. If you need assistance, contact the IT Helpdesk at (303) 352-7548.
    • Using your NetID (the portion of your email before the @msudenver.Edu)和新密码,您可以访问您的 学生中心, which is where you will find quick access links to your email account, 登记, 画布上学习, 建议, 课程表, 成绩, 以及学费和其他强制性费用的支付.
    • 您可能还想下载并使用 微软认证应用程序 to manage 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s two-step account sign-in verification process (highly recommended).
    • 重要的 -你知道你的 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校学生的电子邮件 is the only method 密歇根州立大学丹佛 staff and instructors will use to communicate with you.
  6. 通过你的网站注册课程 学生中心. Students must satisfy the minimum 密歇根州立大学丹佛 course prerequisites and all required English/Math assessments (such as SAT, 行为, ACCUPLACER, and/or 密歇根州立大学丹佛 First Year Writing Placement) applicable to their specific course requirements before enrolling.
  7. 参观 蒂沃利车站书店 去买课本和学习用品. If your school is paying for your 教科书, work with your school counselor to get your 教科书.
  8. 你可以在网上或到学校办学生证 蒂沃利站ID站. You will need a valid government issued photo ID and your class schedule to obtain your campus ID card.
  9. 让你的 RTD CollegePass 网上或在 蒂沃利站ID站. You will need your campus ID card and be registered for classes to purchase your RTD CollegePass. If your school is paying for your RTD CollegePass, work with your school counselor to get your RTD CollegePass.
  10. 探索和熟悉 Auraria校园地图 找到你的教室.
  11. 通过您的学校支付学费和/或强制性费用 学生中心 或者在 收银员的办公室 (located in the 约旦学生成功大厦 – JSSB, Counter 5) by the end of the semester you are enrolled in classes. Please note that you may still receive payment due notifications throughout the semester but please know that CE and DE students have more time to pay their balance and these notifications do not apply to you.
  12. Complete a mid-semester check-in with your CCHS Advisor. Fall semester by 10/25, spring semester by 3/20, and summer semester by 7/10.

Concurrent enrollment and dual enrollment 在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校 are offered as state-funded College Opportunity Fund (COF) eligible programs.




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